Thursday, April 24, 2014

30 Weeks, well... Almost 31.

30 weeks - Wow! Time flies... Kind of. I can't believe that in 6 weeks, this baby will be full term. Although, my back sure can believe it.

The babies room is really coming along, in the last 2 weeks, we have bought and built the dresser, picked up our glider (from Grandma Lapinski), built the crib, finished painting trim, finalized the fabrics for everything (thanks to Grandma Swantek), super washed and re-polished the wood floors, and moved all the babies stuff in from the Lapinski Baby Shower and stuff that I have been gathering over time. It is certainly looking beautiful and very real.

The Nuggle seems to be doing well. I feel hiccups a couple times a day. Its such a cute feeling. Lots of movement is still going on, just smaller... I think room is becoming harder to come by for the growing baby who is a little over 3lbs now.

I go back to the Dr. in a couple weeks, I'm hoping my iron levels are better even though I am still pretty fatigued all the time.

The Swantek Baby Shower is next weekend and I am so excited to celebrate with some of my closest family and friends! Bring it on :)


Monday, April 7, 2014

28 Weeks

Well, we are back from our adult spring break/Zoot camp and conferences/"baby moon" in beautiful California.  It was a lovely trip, filled with hanging out with great people, some future "mom and dad to-be" time, and some adventures (I posted pictures on facebook throughout the journey - for some reason my blogger picture uploads aren't working from my phone - I am trying to fix this and get some pictures posted soon).  We had a great time, but like any wonderful trip - it came to an end and we are sad.  I don't know if it is the hormones or just the changes of life, but I actually cried on the commute to the airport.  All of the changes that have happened in our life in the last 2 years have been nothing but amazing, but I just had this realization that our lives are about to change for FOREVER.  I am so looking forward to the new baby, as is Rick... it was just a huge reality, as we were visiting La Jolla on our last day.  The last time I was in La Jolla was in 2009 before Joseph and Lisa got married, after a tough family year, with just the "four of us," Mom, Dad, Joseph, and myself.  Times have changed so much.

Here is a little recap from about 2008 on:
- Joseph moved out
- I moved in to my parents and started PT school
- I moved all over the country for clinical
- Joseph and Lisa got married
- Dad got a new job
- I graduated from PT school
- We went to Italy as the five of us
- I met Rick
- I got my first job
- I got engaged
- I married Rick and moved out of my parents house
- I left my first job and essentially started my own business
- We found out we are having a baby
- Now we will have a baby

What a JOURNEY!  Mom and dad are going to be grandparents for the first time. Rick and I are going to be parents. Joseph and Lisa are going to be Uncle/Aunt. Rick's parents are going to become grandparents for the first time. Roxy, Winther, and Baxter are going to become big brother and sister.  Baxter and Nyla are going to become Uncle/Aunt - OKAY... weird with the animal stuff - I'll stop.  But anyways, the trip home from California was an emotional one for me. Lots of recapping of emotions in my head.

Anyways, I have my glucose testing for gestational diabetes tomorrow and our 28 week check-up. Here's to hoping I didn't gain too much more weight and I don't have any gestational diabetes issues.

The house and babies room is coming along - the babies room is going to be ready for stuff after this weekend I hope. My family and Rick are working so hard to get things done around the house and I am so thankful - because I am sure starting to feel that panicy, nesting feeling... like I need to disinfect everything, get everything in order and put away and shave the dogs so the baby doesn't ingest too much of their fur - HAHA, just kidding. I cannot wait for our house projects to be complete and to decorate the babies room. I have so many wonderful ideas stirring around in my head and of course, my momma's fabulous skills to rely on.  Here is a sneak peak of the color pallet :)

As for how I am feeling... pretty good.  I am getting bigger and bigger, which is fun. The baby is SO active - rolling, kicking, punching, hiccuping. It is an amazing feeling. I am feeling more and more tired, more nauseated, more hungry, more of everything I think.

Our first baby shower is this weekend - hosted by my mother-in-law, I am really looking forward to it. I can't wait for my mom's baby shower in a few weeks either.  ALL so exciting!