Well, we are back from our adult spring break/Zoot camp and conferences/"baby moon" in beautiful California. It was a lovely trip, filled with hanging out with great people, some future "mom and dad to-be" time, and some adventures (I posted pictures on facebook throughout the journey - for some reason my blogger picture uploads aren't working from my phone - I am trying to fix this and get some pictures posted soon). We had a great time, but like any wonderful trip - it came to an end and we are sad. I don't know if it is the hormones or just the changes of life, but I actually cried on the commute to the airport. All of the changes that have happened in our life in the last 2 years have been nothing but amazing, but I just had this realization that our lives are about to change for FOREVER. I am so looking forward to the new baby, as is Rick... it was just a huge reality, as we were visiting La Jolla on our last day. The last time I was in La Jolla was in 2009 before Joseph and Lisa got married, after a tough family year, with just the "four of us," Mom, Dad, Joseph, and myself. Times have changed so much.
Here is a little recap from about 2008 on:
- Joseph moved out
- I moved in to my parents and started PT school
- I moved all over the country for clinical
- Joseph and Lisa got married
- Dad got a new job
- I graduated from PT school
- We went to Italy as the five of us
- I met Rick
- I got my first job
- I got engaged
- I married Rick and moved out of my parents house
- I left my first job and essentially started my own business
- We found out we are having a baby
- Now we will have a baby
What a JOURNEY! Mom and dad are going to be grandparents for the first time. Rick and I are going to be parents. Joseph and Lisa are going to be Uncle/Aunt. Rick's parents are going to become grandparents for the first time. Roxy, Winther, and Baxter are going to become big brother and sister. Baxter and Nyla are going to become Uncle/Aunt - OKAY... weird with the animal stuff - I'll stop. But anyways, the trip home from California was an emotional one for me. Lots of recapping of emotions in my head.
Anyways, I have my glucose testing for gestational diabetes tomorrow and our 28 week check-up. Here's to hoping I didn't gain too much more weight and I don't have any gestational diabetes issues.
The house and babies room is coming along - the babies room is going to be ready for stuff after this weekend I hope. My family and Rick are working so hard to get things done around the house and I am so thankful - because I am sure starting to feel that panicy, nesting feeling... like I need to disinfect everything, get everything in order and put away and shave the dogs so the baby doesn't ingest too much of their fur - HAHA, just kidding. I cannot wait for our house projects to be complete and to decorate the babies room. I have so many wonderful ideas stirring around in my head and of course, my momma's fabulous skills to rely on. Here is a sneak peak of the color pallet :)
As for how I am feeling... pretty good. I am getting bigger and bigger, which is fun. The baby is SO active - rolling, kicking, punching, hiccuping. It is an amazing feeling. I am feeling more and more tired, more nauseated, more hungry, more of everything I think.
Our first baby shower is this weekend - hosted by my mother-in-law, I am really looking forward to it. I can't wait for my mom's baby shower in a few weeks either. ALL so exciting!