Saturday, February 22, 2014

22 Weeks! My Favorite Number!

22 weeks hit Friday.  I feel about the same as I have been except I am SOOOO tired!  I know everyone says you are so tired in the first trimester - but I would say, for me, the second trimester has been WAY worse.  I sleep a good amount and I still feel like I don't sleep at all.  I know, "blah blah, just wait until the baby comes," but I am friggen tired NOW.  Other than that, I feel pretty good.  My belly is growing and the Nuggle is moving, which is so reassuring to me.  My belly button is getting shallower and my stomach gets harder ever day.  That little nugget is growing.

I think my favorite part of being pregnant is the movement in my stomach.  My favorite time of the day is either when I am sitting on the couch, laying in bed just before I fall asleep, or driving.  It seems like those times I can feel the movement of the Nuggle the most.  I think the Nuggle likes the car rides because he/she (no, we didn't find out the gender, I just hate saying 'it' - so I tend to say he) loves music - like his/her mom and dad.  Rick and I love music, it is always on.  Being able to see the movement or feel it, is so refreshing and fun... I am kind of obsessed with it.

Another week closer! :)

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